Live Fish

Koi fish are bred primarily as ornamental fish, come in a variety of colors and sizes and can grow as big as 3’. There are 2 main types of koi, standard and butterfly, and they are classified based on their physical appearance.
Both varieties are hardy to the Indiana area, so they can tolerate the cold temperatures we experience here in the state. Koi are also known to be a peaceful fish and can easily share a home with many different types of fish and critters–including goldfish, frogs, tadpoles, rosie reds, and hi-fin sharks.

Golden Orfe are a great way to add life to your pond. These fish have slender, torpedo-like bodies and are golden orange in color, often with tiny black spots. They are a schooling fish, meaning they like to stay together in groups, and are primarily surface dwellers. They tend to be more active than koi and goldfish, but do need an adequately sized home as they have the potential to grow up to 20”.

Gold fish are also bred primarily as ornamental fish and come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are ideal for smaller water features as they typically only grow up to 12”.
Gold fish are hardier and cheaper than koi, making them a great choice for beginners. They can survive the cold temperatures and are known to be a peaceful fish. At Aquatic Design we carry 3 different varieties of gold fish, each with their own unique characteristics.

Rosie Reds are a part of the minnow family and can easily be housed with a variety of other fish like koi, goldfish, hi-fin sharks, and more. These small pinkish red fish only grow to be around 2-3” but can dramatically increase the liveliness and activity of your pond. They are a schooling fish, meaning they like to stay together in groups, and are extremely energetic. They are hardy to the area and can remain in the pond all winter long.
Live Critters

Japanese Trapdoor Snails
They are a perfect addition to help control algae. During the day, these snails will feed on dying vegetation and algae found on the sides and bottom of the water feature. They are one of the few species that can tolerate cold Indiana temperatures.

Bullfrog Tadpoles
For some, their pond is not complete without the sound of croaking bullfrogs. When mature, they are usually green to green-brown in color and can grow as big as 6”. Bullfrogs prefer to live in the vegetation along the edge of large, slow moving bodies of water and feed on just about anything that will fit in their mouth; this includes small fish, insects, birds, snakes, etc. They are hardy to the area and can be found hibernating at the bottom during the winter months. Once they turn into bullfrogs, they have been known to hop away from their home pond; many believe it is to search for love. Buying multiple tadpoles at one time can help prevent this from happening.
Live Plants

Planting zone 1: Bog Plants
Improve water quality by extracting excess nutrients from the pond environment before they can accumulate.

Planting zone 3: Deeper Marginals
These plants generally grow 3'- 4' tall and can add dimension to your pondscape. Grasses in this category are especially useful for removing excess nutrients.

Planting zone 5: Oxygenators
Hornwort is the only oxygenator currently allowed to be sold in the state of Indiana. It sinks to the bottom of the pond. During the day it adds oxygen to the water.

Planting zone 2: Shallow Marginals
These plants grow along the pond-edge, usually in aquatic planting baskets. They provide splashes of color throughout the year. These plants are typically 1'- 2' tall.

Planting zone 4: Lilies & Deep Water
Water lilies are the most exquisite and colorful plants in the water garden. They play an important part in the pond ecosystem by shading the pond surface during the height of summer.

Planting zone 6: Floaters
A simple way to give extra shade to your pond. Floaters grow rapidly and are a great filtering plant that loves consuming nitrogen. Unfortunately they only last one season.
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